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The Jacksonville Oral History Project:

Black Law EnforCement


the George Floyd Moment

For the past two years, I have been honored to head the oral history project for the Jacksonville Community Remembrance Project, an organization dedicated to revealing the history behind racial terror lynchings in Jacksonville. I initially focused on capturing the perspectives of elders in the community who had experienced incidents of racial terror, and our work was featured in the Museum of Science and History

This past summer, we decided on a new direction. Inspired by the murder of George Floyd, we set out to capture the stories of the people who were caught in the middle of the conflict: they were police officers AND they were black.

The first officer I interviewed was Ken Jefferson of the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office (JSO). After discussing his illustrious career, we tackle the topic of George Floyd at the 24-minute mark.

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Photo Credits:

Profile Pic: Kate Hallock

All other photos by: Ronnda Cargile Jamison

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